Kibu vicuna i am happy in india i can help indian football

Kibu Vicuña is a Spanish football coach who is currently the head coach of the Indian Super League club, NorthEast United FC. He has been working in India since 2020 and has been instrumental in the development of Indian football.

It's great to hear that you're happy in India and feel that you can make a positive impact on Indian football. As a coach, Kibu Vicuña has been working hard to improve the team's performance and has been involved in various initiatives to develop the sport in the country.

Kibu Vicuña has been praised for his ability to connect with the players and his willingness to learn about the Indian culture and football scene. He has also been working closely with the Indian Football Association (AIFF) to develop the sport in the country.

It's great to see foreign coaches like Kibu Vicuña making a positive impact on Indian football. Their expertise and experience can help to improve the standard of the game in the country and provide opportunities for Indian players to develop their skills.

I hope you continue to enjoy your time in India and your work with NorthEast United FC. It's great to see people from different backgrounds coming together to make a positive impact on the sport they love.