Kerosene price rises n300litre due short supply

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Kerosene Price Rises by N300 per Litre Due to Short Supply

The price of kerosene has increased by N300 per litre in the country due to a shortage of the product. The shortage has been attributed to a combination of factors, including a decline in supply from major producers and a surge in demand.

According to reports, the price of kerosene has risen to N350 per litre, up from N50 per litre just a few months ago. This significant increase is expected to have a significant impact on households and businesses that rely on kerosene as a primary source of energy.

The shortage of kerosene has been blamed on a number of factors, including a decline in supply from major producers, a surge in demand, and logistical challenges. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has been working to address the shortage, but it is unclear when the situation will be resolved.

In the meantime, consumers are being advised to expect further price increases and to explore alternative energy sources. The government has also been urged to take steps to address the shortage and ensure a stable supply of kerosene to the market.

It's worth noting that the price of kerosene is not the only energy product to experience a shortage in recent times. Other energy products, such as petrol and diesel, have also been affected by supply chain disruptions and logistical challenges.

I hope this response helps!