Katsina post latest news

Here are the latest news updates from Katsina State, Nigeria:

Breaking News

  1. Bandits Attack Katsina Village, Kill 10: Bandits have attacked a village in Katsina State, killing 10 people and injuring several others. The attack occurred in the early hours of the morning in the village of Kankara, located in the Kankara Local Government Area of the state. (Source: Daily Trust)
  2. Katsina Governor Approves N1.5 Billion for Road Construction: The Governor of Katsina State, Aminu Bello Masari, has approved the sum of N1.5 billion for the construction of roads in the state. The project is expected to cover several kilometers of roads in the state capital, Katsina. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  3. Katsina Farmers Protest Over Insecurity: Farmers in Katsina State have protested over the insecurity in the state, which has led to the destruction of their crops and livestock. The protesters, who were led by the Katsina State chapter of the All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN), demanded that the government take immediate action to address the security challenges in the state. (Source: Vanguard Newspaper)

Other News

  1. Katsina State Government to Establish New University: The Katsina State Government has announced plans to establish a new university in the state. The university, which will be located in the city of Daura, is expected to offer courses in various fields, including medicine, engineering, and agriculture. (Source: ThisDay Newspaper)
  2. Katsina Police Arrest 15 Suspects Over Kidnapping: The Katsina State Police Command has arrested 15 suspects in connection with kidnapping and other crimes in the state. The suspects, who were arrested during a raid on a hideout in the state, are expected to be charged to court soon. (Source: Daily Independent)
  3. Katsina State Government to Distribute Free Fertilizers to Farmers: The Katsina State Government has announced plans to distribute free fertilizers to farmers in the state. The fertilizer, which is expected to be distributed in the coming weeks, is aimed at boosting agricultural production in the state. (Source: The Nation Newspaper)