John mayer new light meaning

"New Light" is a song by John Mayer, released in 2018 as part of his album "The Search for Everything". The song's lyrics are somewhat abstract and open to interpretation, but here's a general breakdown of the song's meaning:

The song "New Light" is about finding hope and positivity in the midst of darkness and uncertainty. The lyrics describe a sense of liberation and renewal, as if the speaker has emerged from a difficult period and is now experiencing a newfound sense of freedom and joy.

The song's title, "New Light", is a metaphor for the light that shines through the darkness, symbolizing hope, guidance, and illumination. The lyrics suggest that this new light is not just a physical phenomenon, but also a metaphorical one, representing a newfound sense of purpose and direction.

In an interview, John Mayer explained that the song was inspired by his own experiences of finding hope and positivity during a difficult time in his life. He said: "I was going through a really tough time, and I was feeling like I was stuck in this darkness, and I didn't know how to get out of it... And then, suddenly, I started to feel this new light, this new sense of hope, and it was like, 'Oh, I can do this.'"

The song's lyrics also touch on themes of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. The speaker describes a sense of shedding old skin and emerging anew, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. The song's chorus, "I'm feeling new light", is a declaration of this newfound sense of freedom and joy.

Overall, "New Light" is a song about finding hope and positivity in the darkest of times, and emerging stronger and more resilient as a result.