Italian football news twitter

Here are some popular Italian football news Twitter accounts:

  1. @GazzettaSport - The official Twitter account of Gazzetta dello Sport, one of Italy's most popular sports newspapers.
  2. @CorriereSport - The official Twitter account of Corriere dello Sport, another popular Italian sports newspaper.
  3. @SkySport - The official Twitter account of Sky Sport, a leading Italian sports broadcaster.
  4. @LaGazzettaTV - The official Twitter account of La Gazzetta TV, a popular Italian sports TV channel.
  5. @Tuttosport - The official Twitter account of Tuttosport, a popular Italian sports newspaper.
  6. @IlBianconero - The official Twitter account of Il Bianconero, a popular Juventus FC fan site.
  7. @ForzaRoma - The official Twitter account of Forza Roma, a popular AS Roma fan site.
  8. @InterNews - The official Twitter account of Inter News, a popular Inter Milan fan site.
  9. @ACMilanNews - The official Twitter account of AC Milan News, a popular AC Milan fan site.
  10. @CalcioNews24 - A popular Italian football news website with a strong presence on Twitter.
  11. @ItalianFootball - A Twitter account dedicated to providing news and updates on Italian football.
  12. @SerieA - The official Twitter account of Serie A, the top division of Italian football.
  13. @FIGC - The official Twitter account of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC).
  14. @JuventusFC - The official Twitter account of Juventus FC.
  15. @ASRoma - The official Twitter account of AS Roma.
  16. @Inter - The official Twitter account of Inter Milan.
  17. @ACMilan - The official Twitter account of AC Milan.
  18. @Lazio - The official Twitter account of SS Lazio.
  19. @Napoli - The official Twitter account of SSC Napoli.
  20. @TorinoFC1906 - The official Twitter account of Torino FC.

These are just a few examples of the many Italian football news Twitter accounts out there. You can follow these accounts to stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates from the world of Italian football.