I wont support this satanic bill when many nigerians are jailed for stealing common n1000 house chairman denounces amnesty bill for looters

It seems like you're sharing a quote from a House Chairman in Nigeria who is opposing the Amnesty Bill for looters. The quote is quite strong, stating that the Chairman won't support the bill when many Nigerians are already jailed for stealing as little as N1000.

The quote highlights the perceived injustice of offering amnesty to looters while ordinary citizens are punished for smaller offenses. It's a powerful statement that suggests the Chairman is standing up for what they believe is right, even if it means going against the popular opinion.

It's interesting to note that the quote also implies that the Chairman is concerned about the moral implications of the bill, labeling it "satanic". This adds a layer of emotional appeal to the argument, as it taps into the moral outrage that many people might feel when they hear about corruption and looting.

Overall, the quote is a strong statement that reflects the Chairman's commitment to justice and fairness. It's a great example of how public figures can use their platforms to speak out against perceived injustices and promote positive change.