I try not to pollute my mind chelsea target aouar not thinking about lyon exit

It sounds like you're trying to focus on positive thoughts and not let negative or distracting thoughts enter your mind. That's a great approach!

It's understandable that you might be thinking about Chelsea's potential transfer targets, especially when it comes to a talented player like Aouar. However, it's also important to remember that nothing is certain until it's official, and Lyon has not yet confirmed his exit.

Instead of worrying about the what-ifs, you could try to focus on the present moment and the things that you can control. What are you doing to take care of yourself and stay positive? Are there any hobbies or activities that bring you joy and help distract you from negative thoughts?

Remember, it's okay to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, but try not to let them consume you. Practice mindfulness and self-compassion, and remind yourself that you're strong and capable of handling whatever comes your way.

Keep shining, and remember to stay positive and focused on the present!