How to restore apps to new android phone

Restoring apps on a new Android phone can be a bit of a process, but it's definitely doable. Here are the steps to follow:

Method 1: Restore from Google Play Store

  1. Backup your old phone: Go to Settings > Backup & reset > Backup my data on your old phone. This will backup your apps, settings, and other data to Google's servers.
  2. Set up your new phone: Set up your new phone and sign in with the same Google account you used on your old phone.
  3. Restore from Google Play Store: Go to the Google Play Store on your new phone and sign in with the same Google account. You should see a "Restore" button next to your account name. Tap on it and follow the prompts to restore your apps and data.

Method 2: Restore from Google Drive

  1. Backup your old phone: Go to Settings > Backup & reset > Backup my data on your old phone. This will backup your apps, settings, and other data to Google Drive.
  2. Set up your new phone: Set up your new phone and sign in with the same Google account you used on your old phone.
  3. Restore from Google Drive: Go to Settings > Backup & reset > Restore data on your new phone. Select the backup you want to restore from Google Drive and follow the prompts to restore your apps and data.

Method 3: Restore from APK files

  1. Backup your old phone: Use a file manager app to backup your apps' APK files on your old phone. You can do this by going to Settings > Apps > [App name] > Storage > Internal storage > APK.
  2. Transfer APK files to new phone: Transfer the APK files to your new phone using a file transfer method (e.g., USB cable, Bluetooth, or cloud storage).
  3. Install APK files on new phone: Use a file manager app to install the APK files on your new phone. Go to Settings > Apps > [App name] > Install APK.

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