How to register a trademark in south africa

Registering a trademark in South Africa involves several steps, which I'll outline below. Please note that the process may vary depending on the type of trademark you're applying for and the complexity of your application.

Step 1: Conduct a search

Before applying for a trademark, conduct a search to ensure that your desired mark is not already registered or in use by someone else. You can search the South African Trade Marks Office's (TMU) database or hire a professional to conduct a search for you.

Step 2: Determine the type of trademark you want to register

South Africa recognizes the following types of trademarks:

  1. Word mark: A trademark that consists of words, letters, or numbers.
  2. Device mark: A trademark that consists of a logo, symbol, or design.
  3. Combination mark: A trademark that combines a word mark with a device mark.
  4. Certification mark: A trademark that certifies the quality or origin of a product or service.

Step 3: Prepare your application

Gather the necessary documents and information to complete your application:

  1. A clear and concise description of your mark.
  2. A specimen of the mark (e.g., a logo or label).
  3. A list of goods or services you want to associate with the mark.
  4. The name and address of the applicant (you or your company).
  5. The name and address of the agent or attorney (if applicable).

Step 4: File your application

Submit your application to the TMU, along with the required fee. You can file online or by post. The TMU will review your application to ensure it meets the formal requirements.

Step 5: Wait for examination

The TMU will examine your application to determine whether your mark is distinctive and not confusingly similar to existing marks. This process usually takes 6-12 months.

Step 6: Respond to objections (if necessary)

If the TMU raises objections to your application, you'll need to respond to them in writing. This may involve providing additional information or making changes to your mark.

Step 7: Receive a registration certificate

If your application is successful, you'll receive a registration certificate from the TMU. This certificate confirms that your mark is registered and protected in South Africa.

Step 8: Maintain your registration

To keep your registration active, you'll need to file a renewal application every 10 years. You'll also need to pay annual fees to maintain your registration.


The fees for registering a trademark in South Africa are as follows:

Tips and considerations