How to make a custom blog post design using a wpbakery template

WPBakeryPageBuilder (formerly known as Visual Composer) is a popular page builder plugin for WordPress that allows you to create custom layouts and designs for your blog posts. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a custom blog post design using a WPBakery template:


  1. You have a WordPress website installed and activated.
  2. You have WPBakeryPageBuilder (WPBakery) installed and activated.
  3. You have a basic understanding of WordPress and WPBakery.

Step 1: Create a new page

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on "Pages" in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on "Add New" to create a new page.
  4. Give your page a title (e.g., "Custom Blog Post Design").

Step 2: Choose a WPBakery template

  1. In the page editor, click on the "WPBakery" tab in the top menu.
  2. Click on "Templates" in the sub-menu.
  3. Browse through the available templates and choose one that you like (e.g., "Blog Post").
  4. Click "Insert" to add the template to your page.

Step 3: Customize the template

  1. The template will be inserted into your page, and you'll see a drag-and-drop interface.
  2. Customize the template by dragging and dropping elements (e.g., text, images, videos) into the desired positions.
  3. Use the "Settings" icon (gear icon) to configure the elements' settings (e.g., text alignment, font size).
  4. Use the "Style" icon (paintbrush icon) to apply custom styles to the elements (e.g., background color, border).

Step 4: Add content

  1. Add your blog post content (e.g., text, images, videos) to the template.
  2. Use the "Text" element to add text content.
  3. Use the "Image" element to add images.
  4. Use the "Video" element to add videos.

Step 5: Configure the layout

  1. Use the "Layout" settings to configure the layout of your blog post.
  2. Choose the number of columns and rows you want to use.
  3. Use the "Spacing" settings to adjust the padding and margin between elements.

Step 6: Save and preview

  1. Click "Save" to save your changes.
  2. Click "Preview" to see how your custom blog post design looks.

Step 7: Publish

  1. Click "Publish" to publish your custom blog post design.

Tips and Variations:

By following these steps, you can create a custom blog post design using a WPBakery template. Remember to experiment and have fun with the design process!