How to get news url for websites

There are several ways to get news URLs for websites:

  1. Google News: Google News is a great resource to find news articles from various sources. You can search for a specific topic or keyword and filter the results by date, source, and more. You can also use the "Tools" menu to refine your search.
  2. News aggregator websites: Websites like Alltop, News360, and Apple News aggregate news articles from various sources. You can search for a specific topic or keyword and browse through the results.
  3. RSS feeds: Many news websites offer RSS feeds that you can subscribe to. RSS feeds allow you to receive updates on new articles as they are published. You can use an RSS reader like Feedly or NewsBlur to subscribe to news feeds.
  4. News APIs: Many news websites offer APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that allow developers to access their content programmatically. You can use these APIs to retrieve news articles and their URLs. Some popular news APIs include:
    • Google News API
    • News API
    • Al Jazeera News API
    • BBC News API
  5. Web scraping: Web scraping involves extracting data from websites using software or scripts. You can use web scraping tools like Scrapy, Beautiful Soup, or Octoparse to extract news URLs from websites.
  6. News databases: Some news databases like LexisNexis, Factiva, and ProQuest offer access to news articles and their URLs. These databases often require a subscription or a one-time payment.
  7. Social media: You can also use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to find news articles and their URLs. Many news organizations and journalists share their articles on social media.

Some specific ways to get news URLs for websites include:

Remember to always check the credibility and reliability of the news sources you use, and to respect the terms of service and copyright laws when accessing and using news URLs.