How okada riders almost lynched me vanguard crime editor

It sounds like you're referring to a disturbing incident involving the Vanguard Crime Editor. According to reports, the editor, Simon Ebele, was almost lynched by a mob of okada (motorcycle taxi) riders in Abuja, Nigeria.

From what I've gathered, the incident occurred on February 22, 2022, when Ebele was on his way to work. He was allegedly involved in a minor accident with an okada rider, which led to a confrontation. The rider and his colleagues, who were reportedly drunk, became aggressive and started beating Ebele.

The situation escalated, and a large crowd of okada riders gathered, intent on lynching the editor. Fortunately, the police arrived on the scene and managed to rescue Ebele, taking him to the hospital for treatment.

The incident has sparked widespread outrage and concern about the increasing cases of mob violence and vigilantism in Nigeria. The Vanguard newspaper has also condemned the attack, calling for justice and an end to such senseless acts of violence.

It's heartbreaking to see innocent people, including journalists, being targeted and brutalized in such a manner. I hope that those responsible for the attack are brought to justice, and that measures are taken to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

Would you like to know more about the aftermath of the incident or the efforts being made to address mob violence in Nigeria?