Honolulu to new york

A long-haul flight!

Here are the details you might be interested in:

Flight Duration: The flight duration from Honolulu, Hawaii (HNL) to New York, New York (JFK) is approximately 10 hours and 30 minutes to 11 hours and 30 minutes, depending on the airline, flight route, and layovers.

Distance: The distance between Honolulu, Hawaii and New York, New York is approximately 4,970 miles (8,000 km).

Flight Routes: There are no direct flights from Honolulu to New York. You'll likely have a layover in a city like Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco (SFO), or Chicago (ORD) before continuing to New York.

Airlines: Several airlines operate flights from Honolulu to New York, including:

  1. Hawaiian Airlines
  2. American Airlines
  3. Delta Air Lines
  4. United Airlines
  5. Alaska Airlines
  6. JetBlue Airways

Fare Range: The fare range for a one-way economy ticket from Honolulu to New York can vary greatly depending on the airline, travel dates, and time of year. Here are some approximate fare ranges:

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Book in advance to secure the best fares.
  2. Consider flying with Hawaiian Airlines, which offers more frequent flights and competitive prices.
  3. Look for error fares or sales, which can offer significant discounts.
  4. Pack light to avoid checked baggage fees.
  5. Bring a travel pillow, earplugs, and eye mask to make the long flight more comfortable.