High profile georgia congressional race heads to a runoff

You're referring to the recent election results in Georgia's 6th Congressional District!

Yes, the highly contested race between Republican Rich McCormick and Democrat Marcus Flowers has indeed headed to a runoff. The initial election took place on November 8, 2022, and while neither candidate secured the necessary 50% + 1 vote to win outright, McCormick led with 49.4% of the vote, followed closely by Flowers with 46.4%.

The runoff election is scheduled to take place on December 6, 2022. In a runoff, the top two candidates from the initial election compete against each other, and the winner will represent the district in the U.S. House of Representatives.

This race has garnered significant attention due to its competitive nature, with both candidates vying for the seat previously held by Republican Representative Lucy McBath. The outcome of the runoff will have important implications for the balance of power in the House of Representatives and the representation of Georgia's 6th Congressional District.

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