Hawaii sues ford nissan and toyota over dangerous air bags #

You're referring to a recent news story!

Yes, you're correct. The state of Hawaii has filed a lawsuit against Ford Motor Company, Nissan Motor Co., and Toyota Motor Corp. over allegations that their vehicles were equipped with defective and potentially deadly airbags.

The lawsuit, filed in Hawaii state court, claims that the automakers knew about the defects in the airbags but failed to take adequate action to correct them. The airbags in question are Takata airbags, which have been linked to numerous injuries and fatalities worldwide due to their tendency to rupture and send shrapnel into the passenger compartment.

The lawsuit alleges that the automakers were aware of the risks associated with the Takata airbags but continued to install them in their vehicles, putting thousands of Hawaii residents at risk. The state is seeking damages and injunctive relief to require the automakers to take corrective action to repair or replace the defective airbags.

This lawsuit is part of a larger effort by the state of Hawaii to hold the automakers accountable for their role in the Takata airbag scandal. In 2019, the state filed a similar lawsuit against Takata Corporation, the manufacturer of the defective airbags.

It's worth noting that the lawsuit is not limited to Hawaii residents. The state is seeking to represent all individuals who own or have owned vehicles equipped with the defective Takata airbags, regardless of where they live.

The case is ongoing, and it will be interesting to see how it unfolds. In the meantime, it's a good reminder for all of us to stay vigilant about vehicle safety and to take steps to ensure that our vehicles are properly maintained and repaired.