Hauptwache frankfurt news

Hauptwache Frankfurt is a popular tourist destination and a significant landmark in Frankfurt, Germany. Here are some recent news and updates about Hauptwache Frankfurt:

Recent News:

  1. Renovation Works: The Frankfurt City Council has announced plans to renovate the Hauptwache building, which dates back to the 18th century. The renovation is expected to cost around €10 million and will include the restoration of the building's facade, interior, and historic clock tower. (Source: Frankfurter Rundschau, March 2023)
  2. Christmas Market: Every year, the Hauptwache square hosts a popular Christmas market, which attracts thousands of visitors. The 2022 market featured over 100 stalls selling traditional German food, drinks, and handicrafts. (Source: Frankfurt.de, December 2022)
  3. Security Measures: In response to growing concerns about terrorism and public safety, the Frankfurt Police Department has increased security measures around the Hauptwache area. This includes the deployment of additional police officers, CCTV cameras, and bag checks. (Source: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 2022)

Upcoming Events:

  1. Frankfurt Marathon: The Frankfurt Marathon will take place on October 30, 2023, and will start and finish at the Hauptwache square. The event attracts thousands of runners from around the world and is one of the most popular marathons in Germany. (Source: Frankfurt-Marathon.de)
  2. Frankfurt Book Fair: The Frankfurt Book Fair, one of the largest and most important book fairs in the world, will take place from October 12-16, 2023. The event will feature author readings, book signings, and exhibitions at the Frankfurt Messe exhibition center, which is located near the Hauptwache square. (Source: Buchmesse.de)

Interesting Facts:

  1. Historic Significance: The Hauptwache building has played a significant role in Frankfurt's history, serving as a military guardhouse, a prison, and even a temporary city hall.
  2. Clock Tower: The Hauptwache clock tower is one of the most iconic landmarks in Frankfurt and is visible from many parts of the city.
  3. Tourist Attraction: Hauptwache Frankfurt is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year. The square is surrounded by historic buildings, cafes, and shops, making it a great place to explore and relax.

I hope this information helps!