Hamisu breaker songs download

It seems like you're looking for songs by Hamisu Breaker, a popular Nigerian musician. Here are some of his popular songs that you can download:

  1. "Kokoma" - This is one of his most popular songs, and it's a great representation of his unique style.
  2. "Ghetto" - This song showcases his storytelling ability and his ability to connect with his audience.
  3. "Olamide" - This song is a tribute to the popular Nigerian rapper Olamide, and it's a great example of Hamisu Breaker's ability to blend different styles.
  4. "Kokoro" - This song is a slow jam that showcases Hamisu Breaker's vocal range and emotional delivery.
  5. "Gobe" - This song is an upbeat track that features Hamisu Breaker's signature blend of Hausa and English lyrics.

You can find these songs on various music streaming platforms like:

Just search for "Hamisu Breaker" and you should be able to find his songs.