Hameed ali unfit for public office senate

It seems like you're referring to the controversy surrounding Hameed Ali, also known as General TY Danjuma, a Nigerian retired army general and former Chief of Army Staff. He was appointed as the Chairman of the Defunct Presidential Committee on the Recovery of Stolen Assets in 2015.

In 2017, Hameed Ali was nominated as the Comptroller-General of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) by President Muhammadu Buhari. However, his nomination was met with controversy due to his lack of experience in customs administration and his perceived lack of qualifications for the position.

Some critics argued that Ali was unfit for public office due to his:

  1. Lack of experience in customs administration: Ali had no prior experience in customs administration, which raised concerns about his ability to effectively manage the NCS.
  2. Perceived lack of qualifications: Ali did not have a degree in a relevant field, such as law, economics, or business administration, which some argued made him unqualified for the position.
  3. Controversial past: Ali had been involved in several controversies during his military career, including allegations of human rights abuses and corruption.

The Senate, in particular, was divided on Ali's nomination, with some senators expressing concerns about his suitability for the position. However, Ali was eventually confirmed as the Comptroller-General of the NCS in 2017.

It's worth noting that the fitness of a public official is often a matter of debate and can depend on various factors, including their qualifications, experience, and track record. While some may argue that Ali was unfit for public office, others may disagree and argue that he was a capable and effective leader.