Google news pakistan

Here are the latest news headlines from Google News Pakistan:

Top Stories

  1. Pakistan's economy in crisis: The country's foreign exchange reserves have plummeted to a record low, sparking concerns about the economy's stability. (Dawn)
  2. Imran Khan's party wins by-elections: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has won two by-elections in Punjab, boosting the party's morale ahead of the next general elections. (The News International)
  3. Taliban attack kills 12 soldiers: A Taliban suicide bombing has killed 12 Pakistani soldiers in the northwestern city of Peshawar. (The Express Tribune)
  4. Pakistan's COVID-19 cases surge: The country has reported a significant increase in COVID-19 cases, with over 2,000 new infections recorded in the past 24 hours. (The News International)
  5. Floods affect thousands in Sindh: Heavy rainfall has caused widespread flooding in Sindh province, affecting thousands of people and damaging crops. (Dawn)


  1. PM Imran Khan to visit Saudi Arabia: The Prime Minister is set to visit Saudi Arabia to discuss bilateral relations and regional issues. (The News International)
  2. Pakistan's trade deficit widens: The country's trade deficit has widened to $18.4 billion, sparking concerns about the economy's stability. (Dawn)
  3. Pakistan's education system in crisis: The country's education system is facing a crisis, with a shortage of teachers and infrastructure. (The Express Tribune)
  4. Pakistan's climate change efforts: The country is taking steps to address climate change, including the launch of a new climate change policy. (The News International)
  5. Pakistan's sports news: Pakistan's cricket team has won a series of matches against Australia, while the country's hockey team has qualified for the Asian Games. (The News International)


  1. US-Pakistan relations: The US has expressed concerns about Pakistan's human rights record, while Pakistan has accused the US of meddling in its internal affairs. (The News International)
  2. India-Pakistan tensions: The two countries are engaged in a war of words over Kashmir, with both sides accusing each other of human rights abuses. (The Express Tribune)
  3. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: The CPEC project is facing delays and cost overruns, sparking concerns about its viability. (Dawn)
  4. Pakistan's relations with the Middle East: The country is strengthening its relations with the Middle East, including a recent visit by the Prime Minister to Saudi Arabia. (The News International)
  5. Pakistan's relations with the EU: The country is seeking to strengthen its relations with the European Union, including a recent visit by the Foreign Minister to Brussels. (The News International)

These are just some of the latest news headlines from Google News Pakistan. You can visit the website for more news and updates.