Google news advanced search

Google News Advanced Search is a powerful tool that allows you to refine your search results to find more specific and relevant news articles. Here are some of the advanced search options available:

1. Date range: You can specify a specific date range for your search, such as "past hour", "past 24 hours", "past week", or a custom date range.

2. News sources: You can select specific news sources or websites to search within. You can also exclude specific sources.

3. Languages: You can search for news articles in specific languages.

4. File type: You can search for specific file types, such as PDFs, audio files, or video files.

5. Site or domain: You can search within a specific website or domain.

6. Inlinks: You can search for articles that link to a specific website or URL.

7. Related articles: You can search for articles that are related to a specific article or topic.

8. News categories: You can search for articles within specific news categories, such as politics, sports, or entertainment.

9. Keywords: You can search for articles that contain specific keywords or phrases.

10. Exclude words: You can exclude specific words or phrases from your search results.

11. Search within quotes: You can search for exact phrases by enclosing them in quotes.

12. OR operator: You can use the OR operator to search for articles that contain either of two specific keywords or phrases.

13. AND operator: You can use the AND operator to search for articles that contain both of two specific keywords or phrases.

14. NOT operator: You can use the NOT operator to exclude articles that contain a specific keyword or phrase.

Here's an example of how you can use some of these advanced search options:

By using these advanced search options, you can refine your search results to find more specific and relevant news articles.