Good news bible download mobile

Here are a few options to download the Good News Bible (GNB) on your mobile device:


  1. YouVersion Bible App: You can download the YouVersion Bible App from the Google Play Store, which includes the Good News Bible translation. The app is free and offers a wide range of features, including reading plans, notes, and sharing capabilities.
  2. Good News Bible (GNB) App: You can also download the Good News Bible (GNB) App from the Google Play Store, which offers the GNB translation in various formats, including audio and video.


  1. YouVersion Bible App: You can download the YouVersion Bible App from the App Store, which includes the Good News Bible translation. The app is free and offers a wide range of features, including reading plans, notes, and sharing capabilities.
  2. Good News Bible (GNB) App: You can also download the Good News Bible (GNB) App from the App Store, which offers the GNB translation in various formats, including audio and video.

Other Options:

  1. e-Sword: e-Sword is a popular Bible study app that offers the Good News Bible translation, among others. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or App Store.
  2. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway is a website that offers a mobile app that includes the Good News Bible translation, among others. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or App Store.

Free Download:

You can also download the Good News Bible (GNB) in PDF format from the American Bible Society website. This will allow you to read the Bible on your mobile device, but you won't have access to additional features like reading plans or notes.

Remember to always verify the authenticity and accuracy of any Bible translation or app before using it.