Ghost workers nigerian govt extends bvn to microfinance banks

A very timely and relevant topic!


In Nigeria, the concept of "ghost workers" refers to individuals who are paid salaries or benefits by the government, but do not actually work or exist on the government's payroll. This phenomenon has been a major challenge for the Nigerian government, leading to financial losses and inefficiencies.

BVN Extension to Microfinance Banks

To combat ghost workers and improve transparency in government transactions, the Nigerian government has extended the Bank Verification Number (BVN) to microfinance banks. The BVN is a unique identifier assigned to each bank account holder, which links their account to their biometric data (fingerprints, facial recognition, etc.).

Why the Extension?

The extension of BVN to microfinance banks is aimed at:

  1. Reducing Ghost Workers: By linking microfinance bank accounts to BVN, the government can identify and eliminate ghost workers who may be using fake accounts to receive government benefits.
  2. Improving Transparency: The BVN system will provide a centralized database of all government transactions, making it easier to track and monitor government funds.
  3. Enhancing Efficiency: The extension will also enable the government to automate payment processes, reducing the risk of errors and delays.


The extension of BVN to microfinance banks is a gradual process, with the following steps:

  1. Registration: Microfinance banks will register with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and obtain a BVN registration number.
  2. Data Capture: Microfinance banks will capture the biometric data of their customers, including fingerprints and facial recognition.
  3. Linkage: The captured data will be linked to the customer's bank account, creating a unique BVN.
  4. Verification: The BVN will be verified by the CBN to ensure accuracy and authenticity.


The extension of BVN to microfinance banks is expected to have a significant impact on the Nigerian economy, including:

  1. Reduced Corruption: The BVN system will reduce the opportunities for corruption and fraud in government transactions.
  2. Improved Transparency: The system will provide a transparent record of government transactions, making it easier to track and monitor funds.
  3. Increased Efficiency: The automation of payment processes will reduce errors and delays, improving the overall efficiency of government transactions.

Overall, the extension of BVN to microfinance banks is a significant step towards reducing ghost workers and improving transparency in government transactions in Nigeria.