Futminna news my school


Here are some recent news and updates from the Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMINNA):


  1. New Academic Calendar: The university has released a new academic calendar for the 2022/2023 session. The calendar outlines important dates for lectures, exams, and other academic activities.
  2. Course Registration: Students are advised to register for their courses online before the deadline to avoid late registration penalties.
  3. Research Grants: The university has announced research grants for students and staff to pursue innovative projects. Applications are open until [insert date].

Campus Life

  1. Student Union Election: The Student Union Election has been scheduled for [insert date]. All students are encouraged to participate and exercise their franchise.
  2. Sports Competition: The university's sports department has announced a series of competitions, including football, basketball, and volleyball. Interested students can register by [insert date].
  3. Cultural Festival: The university's cultural club has organized a cultural festival to celebrate the diversity of Nigerian cultures. The event will feature traditional music, dance, and food.


  1. New Vice-Chancellor: The university has appointed a new Vice-Chancellor, Professor [insert name]. The new VC has pledged to prioritize academic excellence and student welfare.
  2. Staff Development Program: The university has launched a staff development program to enhance the skills and knowledge of its staff. The program includes training sessions, workshops, and conferences.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The university has embarked on a massive infrastructure development project, which includes the construction of new lecture halls, hostels, and recreational facilities.

Other News

  1. Alumni Association: The FUTMINNA Alumni Association has been re-launched to promote networking and collaboration among alumni.
  2. Community Service: The university's community service department has organized a series of outreach programs to engage with the local community and promote social responsibility.
  3. Research Collaboration: The university has signed a research collaboration agreement with [insert institution] to promote joint research projects and knowledge sharing.

Stay updated with the latest news and updates from FUTMINNA by following the university's social media handles or visiting the official website.