Funny florida news

Florida, the Sunshine State, where the news is always... interesting! Here are some funny Florida news stories:

  1. Alligator in a bathtub: A Florida woman called 911 after finding an alligator in her bathtub. The alligator, estimated to be about 4 feet long, was reportedly "relaxed" and not aggressive. (Source: WFLA)
  2. Man tries to pay toll with a chicken: A Florida man attempted to pay a toll with a live chicken. The toll collector politely declined, saying, "I'm not sure if that's a valid form of payment." (Source: WPTV)
  3. Florida woman arrested for riding a horse on the highway: A 62-year-old Florida woman was arrested for riding a horse on the highway, claiming she was "just trying to get some exercise." (Source: WFTV)
  4. Gator bites off man's finger: A Florida man had his finger bitten off by an alligator while trying to take a selfie with the reptile. (Source: NBC News)
  5. Florida man arrested for trying to pay for McDonald's with a bag of weed: A Florida man was arrested for attempting to pay for his McDonald's meal with a bag of marijuana. (Source: WFLA)
  6. Alligator in a golf cart: A Florida man found an alligator in his golf cart, which he had borrowed from a friend. The alligator was reportedly "very calm" and not aggressive. (Source: WPTV)
  7. Florida woman arrested for driving a golf cart while drunk: A Florida woman was arrested for driving a golf cart while intoxicated, claiming she was "just trying to get some fresh air." (Source: WFTV)
  8. Man tries to break into a bank with a toy gun: A Florida man attempted to rob a bank with a toy gun, but was quickly caught by police. (Source: WFLA)
  9. Florida woman arrested for having 100 alligators in her backyard: A Florida woman was arrested for having over 100 alligators in her backyard, which she claimed were "just pets." (Source: WPTV)
  10. Florida man arrested for trying to pay for a hotel room with a coupon for a free pizza: A Florida man was arrested for attempting to pay for a hotel room with a coupon for a free pizza. (Source: WFLA)

These stories are just a few examples of the... interesting news that comes out of Florida.