France seeks to extend state of emergency until july pm cazeneuve

It seems you're referring to a news article about France extending its state of emergency until July. Here's a summary:

France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls has announced that the country's state of emergency, which was declared after the November 2015 Paris attacks, will be extended until July 15. This decision was made in consultation with President François Hollande and the government.

The state of emergency was initially introduced for three months, but it has been repeatedly extended due to ongoing security concerns. The measure allows the government to impose curfews, restrict public gatherings, and increase surveillance.

Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve stated that the extension is necessary to ensure the country's security and to prevent potential terrorist attacks. He emphasized that the government is taking all necessary measures to protect the French people and to combat terrorism.

The extension of the state of emergency has been met with criticism from some human rights groups, who argue that it is an infringement on civil liberties. However, the government has maintained that the measure is necessary to ensure public safety.

It's worth noting that the state of emergency has been used to justify a range of measures, including the deployment of military personnel in public places, the closure of mosques and other religious institutions, and the detention of individuals suspected of terrorism-related activities.

Overall, the extension of the state of emergency in France reflects the ongoing concerns about terrorism and security in the country, and the government's efforts to balance individual freedoms with the need to protect the public.