First news com

Here are some of the first news companies:

  1. The London Gazette (1665): Considered to be the oldest continuously published newspaper in the UK, it was first published in 1665 as a government gazette.
  2. The Daily Courant (1702): Published in London, it is considered to be the first daily newspaper in the UK, with the first issue appearing on March 11, 1702.
  3. The Boston News-Letter (1704): Published in Boston, Massachusetts, it is considered to be the first continuously published newspaper in the American colonies.
  4. The New York Gazette (1727): Published in New York City, it was the first newspaper to be published in the American colonies.
  5. The Pennsylvania Gazette (1727): Published in Philadelphia, it was founded by Benjamin Franklin and became one of the most widely read newspapers in the American colonies.
  6. The Times of London (1785): Founded by John Walter, it is one of the oldest and most respected newspapers in the UK.
  7. The Baltimore Gazette (1791): Published in Baltimore, Maryland, it was one of the first newspapers to be published in the United States after the American Revolution.
  8. The New York Herald (1835): Founded by James Gordon Bennett, it was one of the first newspapers to be published in the United States with a national circulation.

These are just a few examples of the first news companies. There were likely many other newspapers published around the same time, but these are some of the most well-known and influential ones.