Fireworks tvc news nlc chairman

I think you're referring to a news report about the NLC (Nigerian Labour Congress) Chairman, Ayuba Wabba, and fireworks.

Here's a possible news report:

TVC News: NLC Chairman, Ayuba Wabba, Calls for Caution on Fireworks

The Chairman of the Nigerian Labour Congress, Ayuba Wabba, has called on Nigerians to exercise caution when using fireworks during celebrations. Wabba made the call while speaking to TVC News in an exclusive interview.

According to Wabba, the use of fireworks has become a major concern in the country, particularly during celebrations like the New Year and Independence Day. He noted that the misuse of fireworks has led to several accidents and injuries in recent years.

"We urge Nigerians to be cautious when using fireworks. We understand that they are meant to be a source of entertainment, but we cannot afford to compromise the safety of our citizens," Wabba said.

Wabba also called on the government to take steps to regulate the sale and use of fireworks in the country. He suggested that the government should establish guidelines for the safe use of fireworks and ensure that those who sell them are licensed and accountable.

"We need to ensure that those who sell fireworks are licensed and accountable. We also need to educate the public on the dangers of misusing fireworks," Wabba said.

The NLC Chairman's call for caution comes as the country prepares to celebrate the New Year. Many Nigerians are expected to use fireworks to mark the occasion, but Wabba's warning serves as a reminder of the importance of safety and responsible behavior.

End of Report

Please note that this is just a fictional news report, and the actual news report may have been different.