Fifa new rule penalty kic

You're referring to the new penalty kick rule introduced by FIFA!

As of the 2020-21 season, FIFA has introduced a new rule regarding penalty kicks. The rule change aims to reduce the number of disputes and controversies surrounding penalty kicks.

Here's a summary of the new rule:

The "Sin Bin" for Penalty Kicks

When a penalty kick is awarded, the opposing team's goalkeeper and any outfield players who are closer to the ball than the second-to-last defender (the "penalty area defender") must remain at least 1 meter (3.3 feet) away from the ball until the penalty kick is taken.

If any of these players encroach within 1 meter of the ball before the penalty kick is taken, the referee can award a free kick to the opposing team, instead of the penalty kick.

Key Points to Note

  1. The penalty area defender is the last defender who is not in the penalty area. If there are multiple defenders in the penalty area, the one who is closest to the ball is considered the penalty area defender.
  2. The goalkeeper is considered to be in the penalty area if they are closer to the ball than the penalty area defender.
  3. If the encroaching player is not in the penalty area, but is closer to the ball than the penalty area defender, the referee can still award a free kick to the opposing team.
  4. The referee's decision to award a free kick or not is final and cannot be appealed.

Why the Change?

FIFA introduced this rule change to reduce the number of disputes and controversies surrounding penalty kicks. By introducing a "sin bin" for penalty kicks, the referee has more control over the situation and can ensure that the game is played fairly.

What do you think about this new rule? Do you think it will make a significant difference in the game?