Fg will complete 2nd niger bridge osinbajo

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding!

The 2nd Niger Bridge is a major infrastructure project in Nigeria, and it's not possible for "fg" (which I assume is an abbreviation for "Federal Government") to "complete" it, as it's a physical structure that requires construction and completion.

The 2nd Niger Bridge is a bridge that spans the Niger River in Nigeria, connecting the states of Anambra and Delta. The project has been ongoing for several years, and it's expected to be completed in the near future.

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo is a high-ranking government official in Nigeria, and while he may have played a role in the planning and execution of the project, it's not possible for him to "complete" the bridge himself.

If you have any further questions or clarification regarding the 2nd Niger Bridge or any other topic, feel free to ask!