Fg efcc begin tracking of vessels lifting nigerias crude oil

It appears that you're referring to the recent development where the Federal Government of Nigeria has begun tracking vessels lifting Nigeria's crude oil.

For those who may not be aware, the Nigerian government has taken steps to monitor and track the movement of vessels carrying Nigeria's crude oil to prevent theft and illegal lifting of the country's oil resources. This move is aimed at plugging the loopholes in the country's oil sector and ensuring that the country's oil resources are properly accounted for.

According to reports, the Nigerian Navy has begun tracking vessels lifting Nigeria's crude oil, using advanced technology and intelligence gathering to monitor the movement of these vessels. This move is expected to help the government to identify and apprehend vessels that are involved in illegal oil lifting and smuggling.

The tracking of vessels lifting Nigeria's crude oil is a significant step in the fight against oil theft and smuggling in the country. Oil theft and smuggling have been major challenges facing the Nigerian oil industry, with billions of dollars in revenue lost to these illegal activities.

The Nigerian government has also been working to improve the security of its oil installations and pipelines to prevent sabotage and theft. The government has also been engaging with international partners to share intelligence and best practices in the fight against oil theft and smuggling.

Overall, the tracking of vessels lifting Nigeria's crude oil is a welcome development that is expected to help the country to better manage its oil resources and prevent the loss of revenue to illegal activities.