Fayose writes chinese govt to stop buharis 2bn loan request

I think there may be some inaccuracies in your statement. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Fayose is a Nigerian politician, specifically the former Governor of Ekiti State, while the Chinese government is a sovereign entity. It's unlikely that Fayose would write a letter to the Chinese government.
  2. Buhari is the current President of Nigeria, and it's unclear what you mean by "2bn loan request". Nigeria has borrowed money from various sources, including the Chinese government, but I couldn't find any specific information on a 2bn loan request made by Buhari.

If you meant to say that Fayose wrote a letter to the Nigerian government or the National Assembly to express concerns about a loan request made by the Buhari administration, that would be a different story. However, without more context or information, it's difficult to verify the accuracy of your statement.

If you could provide more details or clarify what you meant, I'd be happy to help you further!