Fayemi criticises asuu strike insists tertiary institutions have fared better under buhari

It appears you're referring to a news article or statement made by Kayode Fayemi, a Nigerian politician and former Governor of Ekiti State.

According to reports, Fayemi recently criticized the ongoing strike by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and argued that tertiary institutions have fared better under the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari.

Fayemi, who is also the current Minister of Mines and Steel Development, reportedly stated that while the strike is understandable, it is not justified given the progress made by universities under the Buhari administration.

He allegedly pointed out that the government has invested heavily in the education sector, including the establishment of new universities, the upgrade of existing ones, and the provision of infrastructure and facilities.

Fayemi's comments have sparked controversy, with many academics and students criticizing his stance as insensitive and dismissive of the challenges faced by the education sector.

It's worth noting that the ASUU strike, which has been ongoing for several months, is primarily driven by issues such as inadequate funding, poor working conditions, and the non-implementation of agreements between the union and the government.

The strike has led to the closure of many universities across the country, affecting thousands of students and causing significant disruption to academic activities.

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