Falz new pictures

You're looking for new pictures of Falz, the Nigerian rapper and songwriter!

Here are some recent photos of Falz:

Recent Photos:

  1. Falz at the 2022 Headies Awards (Source: Instagram)
  2. Falz with his wife, Fabienne Rachael (Source: Instagram)
  3. Falz at the 2022 BET Awards (Source: Getty Images)
  4. Falz with his friends, including Tiwa Savage and Wizkid (Source: Instagram)
  5. Falz at the 2022 MTV Africa Music Awards (Source: Instagram)

Older Photos:

  1. Falz at the 2016 Headies Awards (Source: Getty Images)
  2. Falz with his parents, Femi and Funmi Falana (Source: Instagram)
  3. Falz at the 2015 BET Awards (Source: Getty Images)
  4. Falz with his friends, including Olamide and Davido (Source: Instagram)
  5. Falz at the 2014 MTV Africa Music Awards (Source: Getty Images)

Please note that these photos are subject to copyright and may not be used without permission.