Factsheet on new e yellow card

Here's a factsheet on the new EU Yellow Card:

What is the EU Yellow Card?

The EU Yellow Card is a new system for reporting suspected counterfeit or falsified medicines in the European Union (EU). It replaces the previous system, which was based on paper forms and was often slow and inefficient.

Key Features:

  1. Online Reporting: The new system allows healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders to report suspected counterfeit or falsified medicines online, 24/7.
  2. Streamlined Process: The online form is designed to be quick and easy to complete, reducing the time and effort required to report a suspected counterfeit or falsified medicine.
  3. Improved Data Collection: The new system collects more detailed information about the suspected counterfeit or falsified medicine, including the product name, batch number, and packaging details.
  4. Enhanced Collaboration: The EU Yellow Card system allows for better collaboration between national authorities, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the pharmaceutical industry to quickly identify and respond to suspected counterfeit or falsified medicines.
  5. Anonymous Reporting: Reports can be made anonymously, which can help to encourage reporting and reduce the risk of retaliation.


  1. Improved Patient Safety: The new system helps to quickly identify and remove suspected counterfeit or falsified medicines from the market, reducing the risk of harm to patients.
  2. Enhanced Transparency: The system provides a centralized platform for reporting and tracking suspected counterfeit or falsified medicines, improving transparency and accountability.
  3. Faster Response Times: The online system allows for faster reporting and response times, enabling authorities to take swift action to address suspected counterfeit or falsified medicines.

Who Can Report?

The EU Yellow Card system is open to:

  1. Healthcare professionals
  2. Patients
  3. Pharmacists
  4. Wholesalers
  5. Manufacturers
  6. Other stakeholders

How to Report:

To report a suspected counterfeit or falsified medicine, simply visit the EU Yellow Card website and complete the online form. You can also report by phone or email, if preferred.

Contact Information:

EU Yellow Card Website: www.euyellowcard.eu Phone: +32 2 519 60 00 Email: [email protected]


The EU Yellow Card system was launched in January 2020 and is expected to be fully operational by the end of 2020.