Example of building a relationship with a new customer

Here's an example of building a relationship with a new customer:

Initial Contact

John, a new customer, reaches out to your company via email to inquire about your product or service. He's interested in learning more about how it can help his business.


You respond to John's email within an hour, thanking him for his interest and asking a few questions to understand his needs better. You also introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your company and what you do.


A day later, you follow up with John via phone to discuss his inquiry in more detail. You listen actively to his concerns and ask more questions to understand his business goals and challenges. You also share some relevant information about your product or service and how it can help him achieve his goals.

Building Rapport

During the phone call, you discover that John is a small business owner who is passionate about sustainability. You share a personal anecdote about your own company's commitment to sustainability, and John is impressed. This helps to build a sense of rapport and trust between you and John.

Next Steps

You agree to send John a customized proposal outlining how your product or service can help his business. You also offer to schedule a demo or meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail.


A week later, you follow up with John to see if he has any questions about the proposal. You also offer to address any concerns he may have and provide additional information to help him make a decision.

Relationship Building

Throughout the process, you've been building a relationship with John by:


John is impressed with your company's professionalism and expertise. He decides to move forward with your product or service, and you establish a long-term relationship with him. Over time, you continue to build on this relationship by providing excellent customer service, staying in touch, and offering additional value to his business.

This example illustrates the importance of building relationships with new customers by:

By building a relationship with John, you've not only secured a new customer but also set the stage for a long-term partnership that can lead to repeat business, referrals, and positive word-of-mouth.