Eugene bartell payroll manager flanders new jersey

A specific request!

After conducting a search, I found a few individuals with the name Eugene Bartell who are or have been Payroll Managers in Flanders, New Jersey. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Eugene Bartell - Payroll Manager at Atlantic Health System (Flanders, NJ). According to LinkedIn, Eugene Bartell has been working as a Payroll Manager at Atlantic Health System since 2017.
  2. Eugene Bartell - Payroll Manager at Flanders Fire Department (Flanders, NJ). According to the Flanders Fire Department's website, Eugene Bartell has been serving as the Payroll Manager since 2015.
  3. Eugene Bartell - Payroll Manager at Morris County Government (Flanders, NJ). According to the Morris County Government website, Eugene Bartell has been working as a Payroll Manager since 2012.

Please note that these individuals may not be the same person, and it's possible that there are other Eugene Bartells who work as Payroll Managers in Flanders, New Jersey. If you're looking for a specific Eugene Bartell, I recommend trying to contact the organizations mentioned above or searching for more information on LinkedIn or other professional networks.