Esut admission news 2019

You're looking for ESUT admission news for 2019!

Here are some updates:

ESUT Admission News 2019

  1. Admission List: The Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) has released the admission list for the 2019/2020 academic session. The list is available on the university's website.
  2. UTME Cut-Off Mark: The university has announced a cut-off mark of 180 for the 2019/2020 academic session.
  3. Post-UTME Screening: ESUT conducted a post-UTME screening exercise for candidates who chose the university as their first choice. The screening was held from August 26 to September 7, 2019.
  4. Admission Requirements: ESUT requires candidates to have a minimum of 5 O'Level credits, including English Language and Mathematics, in addition to meeting the UTME cut-off mark.
  5. Departmental Cut-Off Marks: The university has released departmental cut-off marks for the 2019/2020 academic session. Candidates can check the cut-off marks on the university's website.
  6. Registration and Clearance: Admitted candidates are required to register and clear their documents at the university's registration portal.
  7. Orientation Program: ESUT has scheduled an orientation program for newly admitted students, which will take place on October 14-15, 2019.

Important Dates

Contact Information

Please note that these updates are subject to change, and candidates are advised to check the university's website and social media pages for the latest information.