Equality women hold topless parade in new york city

I think there may be some confusion here!

While there have been topless protests and events in New York City and other cities around the world, I'm not aware of a specific "equality women hold topless parade" that has taken place in New York City.

However, it's possible that you may be referring to the annual "GoTopless Day" event, which is a global event that takes place on the Sunday closest to August 26th, the anniversary of the 1932 Women's March on Washington, where women protested for the right to vote.

On GoTopless Day, women and men around the world are encouraged to go topless in public to promote gender equality and challenge social norms around nudity and body image. While there may not be a specific "parade" in New York City, there may be smaller gatherings or events organized by individuals or groups in the city to mark the occasion.

It's worth noting that while topless protests and events can be a powerful way to challenge societal norms and promote gender equality, they can also be controversial and may not be appropriate for all audiences.