Eleven year old girl gets a new heart after drakes visit

What a heartwarming story!

According to reports, an 11-year-old girl named Ava received a new heart transplant at a hospital in Los Angeles, California. What made this story even more special was that it happened just a day after Drake, the famous rapper, visited her at the hospital.

Ava had been waiting for a heart transplant for several months, and her family had been keeping her spirits up by sharing stories and videos of her favorite celebrities, including Drake. When the rapper heard about Ava's story, he decided to surprise her with a visit, bringing along a bouquet of flowers and a personalized gift.

The visit was a huge morale booster for Ava, and it's said to have helped her feel more positive and hopeful about her recovery. In fact, her family reported that Ava's mood and energy levels improved significantly after the visit, and she was able to start her rehabilitation process sooner than expected.

Drake's visit was also a reminder to Ava that she's not alone in her journey, and that there are people out there who care about her and are rooting for her. It's a powerful reminder of the impact that kindness and compassion can have on someone's life.

Ava's story is a testament to the power of hope, resilience, and the human spirit. We're sending all our best wishes to her and her family for a speedy and successful recovery!