Eldee says huge mistake think buhari way forward

It seems like you're sharing a quote or a statement made by someone named "eldee" about President Muhammadu Buhari. The quote is: "huge mistake think buhari way forward".

It appears that eldee is expressing a strong opinion about President Buhari's leadership style or policies, suggesting that they believe he is not the right person to lead the country forward. The phrase "think buhari way forward" is likely being used to convey that eldee thinks Buhari's approach is misguided or incorrect.

Without more context, it's difficult to say exactly what eldee means by this statement. However, it's possible that eldee is criticizing Buhari's handling of a specific issue or policy, or perhaps expressing frustration with the current state of the country under his leadership.

Would you like to provide more context or clarify what eldee meant by this statement?