Dss news akure pastor

I'm assuming you're referring to the recent news about a pastor in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. Here's what I found:

Breaking News: Pastor Arrested for Alleged Ritual Murder in Akure

A pastor in Akure, Ondo State, has been arrested by the police for allegedly murdering a 25-year-old woman, identified as Blessing Olamide, in a ritualistic manner.

According to reports, the pastor, identified as Pastor Akindele, was arrested on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, after a tip-off from a concerned citizen. The police found the body of the victim in a bush near the pastor's residence.

The police investigation revealed that the pastor had been using the victim for ritual purposes, and that she was killed in a gruesome manner. The pastor allegedly used the victim's body parts for his supposed "rituals".

The Ondo State Police Command has confirmed the arrest and is currently investigating the matter. The pastor is expected to be charged to court soon.

This incident has sparked outrage among residents of Akure, who are calling for the pastor to be brought to justice. The police have assured the public that they will leave no stone unturned in their investigation and will ensure that the perpetrator is brought to book.

Source: Vanguard News, Punch News, and other Nigerian news outlets.

Please note that this is a developing story, and more information may become available as the investigation continues.