Download olamide new album tracks

Olamide has recently released a new album titled "Carpe Diem". Here are the tracks from the album:

  1. "Carpe Diem"
  2. "Lost Without You"
  3. "Ebeano"
  4. "Journey of a Thousand Miles"
  5. "Unconditionally"
  6. "Infinity"
  7. "Triumphant"
  8. "African Bad Goy"
  9. "Muyiwa"
  10. "So Much More"
  11. "Infinity (Remix)"
  12. "Carpe Diem (Remix)"

You can download the album from various online music platforms such as:

Please note that some of these platforms may require a subscription or a one-time payment to access the album.