Distance from new york to texas by train

The distance from New York to Texas by train depends on the specific route and type of train. Here are some approximate distances and travel times:

There are several train routes that connect New York to Texas, including:

  1. Amtrak's Texas Eagle route: This route runs from Chicago to San Antonio, with stops in New York City, St. Louis, and Dallas. The journey takes around 40-44 hours.
  2. Amtrak's Sunset Limited route: This route runs from New Orleans to Los Angeles, with stops in Houston, San Antonio, and El Paso. The journey takes around 48-52 hours.
  3. Amtrak's Crescent route: This route runs from New York City to New Orleans, with stops in Washington, D.C., Atlanta, and Birmingham. The journey takes around 30-34 hours.

Please note that these times and distances are approximate and may vary depending on the specific train schedule and any potential delays. It's always a good idea to check with Amtrak or other train operators for the most up-to-date information and to book your tickets in advance.