Distance from new delhi to assam

The distance from New Delhi to Assam depends on the specific location within Assam. Here are the approximate distances from New Delhi to some major cities in Assam:

There are several ways to travel from New Delhi to Assam, including:

  1. By air: You can take a flight from Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) in New Delhi to Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport (GAU) in Guwahati or other airports in Assam.
  2. By train: You can take a train from New Delhi's Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station (NZM) or Old Delhi Railway Station (DLI) to Guwahati's Kamakhya Railway Station (KYJ) or other railway stations in Assam.
  3. By road: You can take a bus or drive from New Delhi to Assam. The journey takes around 24-30 hours depending on the route and traffic conditions.

Please note that the distances and travel times mentioned above are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route and mode of transportation you choose.