Digital marketing news & views marketing land

Marketing Land is a popular online publication that provides news, analysis, and insights on digital marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. Here are some recent news and views from Marketing Land:


  1. Google's Core Algorithm Update: Google has announced a core algorithm update that aims to improve the quality of search results. The update is designed to reduce the impact of low-quality content and promote more authoritative and trustworthy sources.
  2. Facebook's Ad Targeting Changes: Facebook has announced changes to its ad targeting options, including the removal of targeting options based on zip code, city, and state. The changes are aimed at reducing the spread of misinformation and promoting more targeted and relevant advertising.
  3. Google's New Search Console: Google has launched a new version of its Search Console, which provides more detailed insights and data on website traffic and search engine rankings.
  4. Amazon's Advertising Growth: Amazon's advertising business has seen significant growth, with the company reporting a 34% increase in ad revenue in the first quarter of 2023.


  1. The Future of SEO: In a recent article, Marketing Land's expert, Barry Schwartz, discusses the future of SEO and the impact of AI and machine learning on search engine optimization.
  2. The Importance of Mobile-First Design: In another article, Marketing Land's expert, Ginny Marvin, highlights the importance of mobile-first design in today's digital landscape, where most users access websites and apps on their mobile devices.
  3. The Role of AI in Marketing: Marketing Land's expert, Matt McGee, explores the role of AI in marketing, including its applications in data analysis, personalization, and automation.
  4. The Impact of Voice Search on SEO: In a recent article, Marketing Land's expert, Greg Sterling, discusses the impact of voice search on SEO, including the importance of optimizing for voice search and the potential for voice search to change the way we interact with search engines.

Industry Insights

  1. The State of Digital Marketing: Marketing Land's annual survey of digital marketers reveals the latest trends and insights on digital marketing, including the use of AI, the importance of mobile-first design, and the impact of voice search on SEO.
  2. The Top Digital Marketing Trends: Marketing Land's expert, Ginny Marvin, highlights the top digital marketing trends for 2023, including the rise of AI, the importance of personalization, and the growth of e-commerce.
  3. The Impact of Social Media on Digital Marketing: Marketing Land's expert, Matt McGee, explores the impact of social media on digital marketing, including its applications in influencer marketing, social media advertising, and content marketing.

These are just a few examples of the news, views, and industry insights available on Marketing Land. The publication provides a wealth of information and analysis on digital marketing, making it a valuable resource for marketers and industry professionals.