Digisat nano new software

Digisat Nano is a popular satellite modem designed for IoT and M2M applications. The company has recently released new software updates for the Digisat Nano, which brings several improvements and new features. Here are some of the key updates:

New Features:

  1. Improved TCP/IP Stack: The new software update includes an improved TCP/IP stack, which provides better performance and reliability for data transmission.
  2. Enhanced Security: The update includes enhanced security features, such as improved encryption and authentication protocols, to ensure secure data transmission.
  3. Support for New Protocols: The Digisat Nano now supports new protocols, including MQTT and CoAP, which are commonly used in IoT and M2M applications.
  4. Improved Network Management: The update includes improved network management features, such as automatic network detection and configuration, to simplify the setup process.
  5. Enhanced Diagnostics: The new software includes enhanced diagnostic tools, which provide more detailed information about the modem's performance and any errors that may occur.


  1. Faster Data Transmission: The update includes improvements to the modem's data transmission speed, which can result in faster data transfer rates.
  2. Improved Power Consumption: The new software includes power-saving features, which can help reduce the modem's power consumption and extend its battery life.
  3. Enhanced Compatibility: The update includes improved compatibility with a wider range of devices and networks, making it easier to integrate the Digisat Nano into existing systems.


  1. Improved Performance: The new software update provides improved performance, reliability, and security for the Digisat Nano.
  2. Simplified Setup: The update includes improved network management features, which can simplify the setup process and reduce the time it takes to get the modem up and running.
  3. Increased Flexibility: The new software includes support for new protocols and improved compatibility, which can increase the flexibility and versatility of the Digisat Nano.
  4. Enhanced Support: The update includes enhanced diagnostic tools, which can provide more detailed information about the modem's performance and any errors that may occur, making it easier for developers and integrators to troubleshoot and resolve issues.

Overall, the new software update for the Digisat Nano provides a range of improvements and new features that can enhance the performance, reliability, and security of the modem, making it an attractive option for IoT and M2M applications.