Delta state news by st media today 29 august 2017

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have have access to real-time news or specific news articles from a particular date. But I can try to help you find the information you're looking for.

Delta State News by ST Media on August 29, 2017 is a specific news article that may not be easily accessible online. But I can suggest some possible ways to find the article:

  1. Check online archives: You can try searching online archives of news websites, such as Google News or online news archives, to see if they have a copy of the article.
  2. Contact ST Media: You can try contacting ST Media directly and ask if they have a copy of the article or if they can provide you with more information.
  3. Check local libraries: You can also try checking local libraries or news archives in Delta State to see if they have a copy of the article.

If you're unable to find the article, I can try to help you find similar news articles or provide you with information on what was happening in Delta State on August 29, 2017. Just let me know!