Create new variable from labels stata

In Stata, you can create a new variable from existing labels using the label command. Here are a few ways to do it:

Method 1: Create a new variable with the same values as the labels

generate newvar = label(varname)

Replace varname with the name of the variable whose labels you want to use. This will create a new variable newvar with the same values as the labels of varname.

Method 2: Create a new variable with the labels as strings

generate newvar = strtrim(label(varname))

This will create a new variable newvar with the labels of varname as strings. The strtrim() function is used to remove any trailing spaces from the labels.

Method 3: Create a new variable with the labels as numeric values

generate newvar = numlabel(varname)

This will create a new variable newvar with the labels of varname as numeric values. The numlabel() function converts the labels to numeric values, where each unique label is assigned a unique number.


sysuse auto
generate make_label = label(make)
list make_label

     | make_label     |
     | 1. American    |
     | 2. Ford        |
     | 3. Chevrolet   |
     | 4. Plymouth    |
     | 5. AMC         |

In this example, we create a new variable make_label from the labels of the make variable. The list command is used to display the values of make_label.