Create new page using link php dynamically

Here is an example of how you can create a new page using a link in PHP dynamically:


// Check if the user has clicked the link
if (isset($_GET['create_page'])) {
  // Get the page title and content from the user
  $pageTitle = $_GET['page_title'];
  $pageContent = $_GET['page_content'];

  // Create a new page
  $pageId = createPage($pageTitle, $pageContent);

  // Redirect the user to the new page
  header('Location: page.php?id='. $pageId);

// Function to create a new page
function createPage($pageTitle, $pageContent) {
  // Connect to the database
  $db = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'username', 'password', 'database');

  // Check connection
  if (!$db) {
    die('Could not connect: '. mysqli_error($db));

  // Create a new page
  $query = "INSERT INTO pages (title, content) VALUES ('$pageTitle', '$pageContent')";
  mysqli_query($db, $query);

  // Get the ID of the new page
  $pageId = mysqli_insert_id($db);

  // Close the database connection

  return $pageId;

// Display the link to create a new page
echo '<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="?create_page=true">Create a new page</a>';


This code checks if the user has clicked the link to create a new page by checking if the create_page variable is set in the URL. If it is, it gets the page title and content from the user, creates a new page in the database, and redirects the user to the new page.

The createPage function connects to the database, creates a new page, and gets the ID of the new page. It then closes the database connection and returns the ID of the new page.

Finally, the code displays a link to create a new page.

You can also use a more secure way to create a new page by using a form and validating the input data before creating the new page.

You can also use a framework like Laravel or CodeIgniter to create a new page, they have built-in functions to create and manage pages.

Please note that this is a basic example, you should consider security and validation when creating a new page.

Also, you should consider using prepared statements to prevent SQL injection.

You can also use a template engine like Twig or Smarty to render the page content.