Craigslist posting house for rent in new buffalo mi

Here's a sample Craigslist posting for a house for rent in New Buffalo, MI:

House for Rent in New Buffalo, MI

Address: [Insert address]

City: New Buffalo

State: MI

Zip: [Insert zip code]

Price: $[Insert price] per month


Cozy 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house for rent in the heart of New Buffalo! This charming home features:


Lease Terms:

Available: [Insert available date]

Contact: [Insert your name and contact information]

Additional Photos:

[Insert additional photos of the property, including the backyard, kitchen, and bedrooms]

Note: This is just a sample posting, and you should customize it to fit your specific needs and the property you are renting. Make sure to include all the necessary details and photos to attract potential renters.